Monday, November 17, 2014


I messed up my counting. This is really Week 10.

This week was rewarding. We had Conferences with my Mission President, President Willard.  I watched a Bolivian midget punch a horse in the jaw, and we celebrated the rescue and baptism of the Familia Alpire.

So every transfer, The Zones (Groups of Missionaries that serve together) in Santa Cruz have a conference with President Willard. We went to the CaƱoto and had meetings and ate some food.  Afterwards we went and worked.  That is when I saw a Bolivian midget punch a horse in the jaw.  The horse got a little too close to this midget woman, and she just destroyed this horse. Because the horse had chains on its feet, it couldn´t do anything or get away. 

Thursday, we went to a restaurant with the Familia Alpire to celebrate their rescue and upcoming baptisms. I will be sending pictures later.

Familia Alpire

Saturday, we baptized the two hijos (children) of this family.  I think I am starting to understand how Heavenly Father feels when we do what is right.  I felt so happy and good that day. Sunday, Grandpa Alpire, who is the Stake Patriarch in Beni, confirmed both of them. That day was a really good day.

Familia Alpire 

Scripture for the Week: 
Book Of Mormon
Omni 1:26

And now, my beloved brethren, I would that ye should come unto Christ, who is the Holy One of Israel, and partake of his salvation, and the power of his redemption.  Yea, come unto him, and offer your whole souls as an offering unto him, and continue in fasting and praying, and endure to the end; and as the Lord liveth, ye will be saved.

My work as a  Missionary is centered around this scripture.  I read it a couple of days ago and I felt it was perfect to share. As we take the name of Christ on ourselves and we live the way he lived, we begin to cultivate those qualities that we would like to have.  This week, I´m going to try and work on my Charity for other people.  Because I need to love unconditionally like Christ did.

And I challenge you to pick a quality you need to work on and really try to obtain that attribute. Email Me!

Elder Tracy

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