Monday, July 13, 2015


Dear Everyone!

This week was full of trials, sickness, and many other things. But the biggest miracle I have seen in my mission.  And I hit my year mark!  In ONE year I finish the mission. Which is crazy because it is going by sooooooooooooo fast.  I don't want it to end :(

I was sick this week.  I had another stomach infection, but this time, I wasn't sent to the hospital.  They gave me two pills, and I went straight back to work.  I couldn't eat anything super solid. So I lived off of Oreo's and Yogurt for like 3 days.  So that was a fun week!  Right?
Daniel Chacon, our golden investigator went on vacation, and he is going to come back in two weeks. So we are putting him off to the side, and we are focusing everything on Carlos Pizzani.  Oh my goodness! this man is amazing.  He tells us that he is going to be sealed in the Temple with his girlfriend, who is a member.  And he is just waiting until he will be baptized.  He truly was prepared by God to meet me.
My companion and I are going well.  We don't fight too much, but we do "debate" at times.  But we always end everything with a Hymn and its all good.  I think it is because we both were District Leaders and we have our way of doing things.  But I am trying to be more like Christ, and I know that Christ always obeyed.  So whenever we do "debate", I almost always support my companion. It just make everything easier.

Scripture of the Week: 
Moroni 7:27-29

Wherefore, my beloved brethren, have miracles ceased because Christ hath ascended into heaven, and hath sat down on the right hand of God, to claim of the Father his rights of mercy which he hath upon the children of men?  For he hath answered the ends of the law, and he claimeth all those who have faith in him; and they who have faith in him will cleave unto every good thing; wherefore he advocateth the cause of the children of men; and he dwelleth eternally in the heavens.  And because he hath done this, my beloved brethren, have miracles ceased?  Behold I say unto you, Nay; neither have angels ceased to minister unto the children of men.

Have a good week everyone
Elder Jonathan Thomas Tracy
Misión Santa Cruz Bolivia

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