Monday, July 6, 2015


This week was interesting.  

We had a lot of fun here in the Zona Guadalquivir. We had a lot of changes to the Zone.  I'm not District Leader anymore.  But my new companion is.  His name is Elder Rosales, he is from Peru, and he is one of the funniest guys I have ever met.  He also does this weird type of martial arts called Capoeira, which is a type of Brazilian Dancing with a lot of Kicks and Jumps.  So while I'm doing my exercise in the morning, he is jumping around like a crazy man.

So I said goodbye to Elder Navarro, and he gave me a sweet cardigan sweater.  I rock it everyday.  It is getting so cold here.  We woke up one day, and it was below 0 degrees Celsius.  He left on Monday.  He is now in the Yacuiba Branch. 

Elder Rosales and I have been having a lot of fun together. We crossed a big canyon that we now call "La Valle de los Muertes" or The Valley of the Dead.  So we take this new mountain road every day, which is exciting for missionaries.

We celebrated Fourth of July with our investigator, Carlos Pizzani.  He is a cop, so he bought a big fire cracker that we shot off.  It was going strong for like one minute straight of nothing but explosions. So I felt American that day!

This week was really rewarding, just seeing all the new miracles, and the new experiences that I am going to have.

Scripture of the Week: 
Alma 37:33-35

Preach unto them repentance, and faith on the Lord Jesus Christ; teach them to humble themselves and to be meek and lowly in heart; teach them to withstand every temptation of the devil, with their faith on the Lord Jesus Christ.

Teach them to never be weary of good works, but to be meek and lowly in heart; for such shall find rest to their souls.

O, remember, my son, and learn wisdom in thy youth; yea, learn in thy youth to keep the commandments of God.

Have a great week everyone.
Elder Tracy -- Bolivia Santa Cruz Mission

1.  Elder Rosales with Fireworks for the 4th of July, which is       the Foundation of Tarija, and Independence Day in The USA

2. Saying Goodbye to Elder Navarro

3 and 4: The Valley of Doom

5. Carlos Pizzani, the Cop

6. Elder Rosales and I today!

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